Caring for At-Risk Adolescents
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination - Jimmy Dean

Showing Them the Alternative Way of Life
Adolescent Alternatives is a residential treatment program designed for adolescent males who are at risk due to emotional and behavioral issues. Our goal is to provide treatment and building skills for adolescents to prepare them for family reunification or independent living.
Adolescent Alternatives feels it is important for today's youth to understand that every decision that they make has certain consequences, which is why we are committed to providing quality treatment to our clients and helping them become more valuable members of society.​
Adolescent Alternatives is dedicated to providing qualified treatment to our clients through our knowledgeable and experienced staff. Our staff is willing to go the extra mile to ensure the success of our clients. The benefits that our clients receive not only include obtaining qualified treatment but, also beneficial job skills training. Adolescent Alternatives believes by training clients at this age, we can help them become positive and productive citizens of society.

Adolescent Alternatives was founded in 2005.
Presently, 75% of the staff has been with the facility since they have opened.
Our current staff is 90% male, and includes 3 Licensed Social Work Managers
and a Licensed Clinical Social Work Associate.
What We Offer
The Adolescent Alternatives staff consists of three Licensed Clinical Social Work Managers
and a Licensed Clinical Social Work Associate.
Licensed Clinical Social Work Staff are certified in the following:
• TFCBT (Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
• SPARCS (Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress)

Why Choose Us
Qualified Trained Professionals
• Clinical social workers on staff
Education & Training​
• S.T.A.R.S. Program
• Tutoring by NC-certified teacher
• Educational Enrichment Program
• Life, Social, & Job Preparedness Skills Training
Safe Environment
• Wellness Program
• Registered Nurse on staff
• Direct supervision in a safe,
structured, home environment

2207 Longbrook Drive
Greensboro, NC 27406
Tel: (336) 370-9876
Fax: (336) 292-6711